Istoria – Jan 2022 – Tyndale Galleria

Artist’s Statement

An art teacher must remain sharp in her field, challenging herself to reach new heights, not only for her sanity, but also for the benefit of her students, who rely on her encouragement and enthusiasm each day to achieve every objective and goal. I find my identity in Christ, which frees me to create for his glory. But without ideas, I am lost with a pencil in the hallways of a school. And so, I read, for research is crucial to artmaking.

The Bible reveals extraordinary stories about women. In Women of the Bible, the many female faces indicate the multitude of unique accounts Scripture shares with us. People use plates; they are used to share meals and fellowship, and the Biblical stories of women share humility and strength within a fellowship of believers, giving readers a picture of what life looks like with and without trust in God. The stories tell us of broken women and broken relationships, and yet they point us to someone beyond the terrible tragedies and stories of love and pain, to our Lord and Savior, whose story is infinitely interesting.

I am intrigued by many of the lesser-known stories in the Bible. What Happened? illustrates four such stories in the book of Judges; two with women who surprisingly destroy the main adversaries, and two where the women submit to shocking and horrifying sacrifice. These stories invite further scrutiny, and yet even when the words seem clear, mystery still abounds.

We are all part of a story, the greatest story, and while mystery remains, it captures my imagination and gives rise to creation, creation for the glory of God.

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